Autores / Publicación
Pérez Arce, R. L., Munguía Orozco, L., Vidal Villegas, J. A., & González Escobar, M. (2023). Site response study based on seismic data recorded in sediments of the Mexicali valley, Baja California, Mexico. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 125(104291), 1-13. doi: 10.1016/j.jsames.2023.104291. (ID: 28753)
Arregui Ojeda, S. M., Nuñez Leal, M. A., Vidal Villegas, J. A., Mendoza Garcilazo, L. H., Díaz de Cossío Batani, G. E., Farfán Sánchez, F. J., Gálvez Valdez, J. O., Méndez Figueroa, I., Orozco León, L. R., & Sánchez Rodríguez, J. C. (2022). Evaluación del potencial de la Red Sismológica del CICESE para su aplicación en un sistema de alerta sísmica temprana para el norte de Baja California. Revista de Ingeniería Sísmica, (109), 28-46. doi: 10.18867/ris.109.601. (ID: 26997)
Vidal Villegas, J. A., Huerta López, C. I., Ramírez Ramos, E. E., Arce Villa, R., & Vega Guzmán, F. J. (2021). Experimental approach on the study of ground motion amplification at the Cerro Prieto volcano, Mexicali Valley, Baja California, Mexico. Seismological Research Letters. doi: 10.1785/0220200370. (ID: 26173)
Share, P., Castro Escamilla, R. R., Vidal Villegas, J. A., Mendoza Garcilazo, L. H., & Ben-Zion, Y. (2021). High-resolution seismic imaging of the plate boundary in northern Baja California and southern California using double-pair double-difference tomography. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 568. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2021.117004. (ID: 26922)
Ramírez, E. E., Bataille Dieter, K., Vidal Villegas, J. A., Stock, J., & Ramírez Hernández, J. (2021). Moho Depth of Northern Baja California, Mexico, From Teleseismic Receiver Functions. Earth and Space Science. doi: 10.1029/2020EA001463. (ID: 26157)
Vidal Villegas, J. A., & Munguía Orozco, L. (2020). In Memoriam Juan Antonio Madrid González (1943 - 2019). Seismological Research Letters. doi: 10.1785/0220200300. (ID: 26156)
Robles Avalos, J. C., González Ortega, J. A., González García, J. J., & Vidal Villegas, J. A. (2019). Coseismic displacements and Mw estimation of the El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake, Mexico, from GPS source spectra. Geofísica Internacional, 58(2), 169-178. doi: 10.22201/igeof.00167169p.2018.58.2.1968. (ID: 23828)
Ramírez Ramos, E. E., Vidal Villegas, J. A., Ramirez Hernandez, J., González Fernández, A., & Stock, J. (2019). A crustal velocity model for the Peninsular Ranges of Baja California and Southwestern Laguna Salada, Mexico. Seismological Research Letters, 90(3), 1219-1229. doi: 10.1785/0220180248. (ID: 23837)
Saldaña Heredia, A., Márquez Aguilar, P. A., & Vidal Villegas, J. A. (2019). In-plane displacement measurement for analytical strain determination. Journal of Material Sciences & Engineering, 8(1), 6. doi: 10.4172/2169-0022.1000510. (ID: 23940)
Ramírez Ramos, E. E., Vidal Villegas, J. A., Nuñez Leal, M. A., Ramirez Hernandez, J., Mejia Trejo, A., & Rosas Verdugo, E. (2019). Seismic Noise Levels in Northern Baja California, México. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. doi: 10.1785/0120180155. (ID: 23202)
Vidal Villegas, J. A., Munguía Orozco, L., González Ortega, J. A., Nuñez Leal, M. A., Ramírez Ramos, E. E., Mendoza Garcilazo, L. H., Castro Escamilla, R. R., & Wong Ortega, V. M. (2018). The Northwest Mexico Seismic Network: real time seismic monitoring in northern Baja California and northwestern Sonora, Mexico. Seismological Research Letters, 89(2A), 324-337. doi: 10.1785/0220170183. (ID: 23131)
Ramírez Ramos, E. E., Vidal Villegas, J. A., González Fernández, A., & Stock, J. (2014). A crustal velocity model for the southern Mexicali Valley, Baja California, Mexico. Seismological Research Letters, 86(1). doi: 10.1785/0220140007. (ID: 16197)
Vidal Villegas, J. A. (2013). ¿Qué es la escala de magnitud Richter?. Ciencia y Desarrollo. (ID: 14231)
Hauksson, E., Stock, J., Hutton, L. K., Yang, W., Vidal Villegas, J. A., & Kanamori, H. (2010). The 2010 Mw 7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake sequence, Baja California, Mexico and southernmost California, USA: Active seismotectonics along the mexican Pacific margin. Pure and Applied Geophysics. doi: 10.1007/s00024-010-0209-7. (ID: 13548)
Vidal Villegas, J. A., Munguía Orozco, L., & González García, J. J. (2010). Faulting parameters of earthquakes (4.1< ML <5.3) in the Peninsular Ranges of Baja California, México. Seismological Research Letters, 81(1), 44-52. doi: 10.1785/gssrl.81.1.44. (ID: 13026)