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Publicaciones en Ecología Marina
Hay 1028 publicaciones en Ecología Marina.


Autores / Publicación


Aguilar Medrano, R., & Vega Cendejas, M. E. (2019). Implications of the environmental heterogeneity on the distribution of the fish functional diversity of the Campeche Bank, Gulf of Mexico. Marine Biodiversity. doi: 10.1007/s12526-019-00954-y. (ID: 27930)


Echavarría Heras, H. A., Leal Ramírez, C., Villa Diharce, E., & Montesinos Lopez, A. (2019). Examination of the Effects of Curvature in Geometrical Space on Accuracy of Scaling Derived Projections of Plant Biomass Units: Applications to the Assessment of Average Leaf Biomass in Eelgrass Shoots. BioMed Research International, 2019(3613679), 23. doi: 10.1155/2019/3613679. (ID: 25146)


Flessa, K. W., Calderón Aguilera, L. E., Cintra Buenrostro, C. E., Dettman, D. L., Dietl, G. P., Goodwin, D. H., Jacobs, D. K., Kowalewski, M., Nelson, S. M., Rowell, K., Schone, B. R., Smith, J. A., & Zamora Arroyo, F. (2019). Vaquita Face Extinction from Bycatch. Comment on Manjarrez-Bringas, N. et al., Lessons for Sustainable Development: Marine Mammal Conservation Policies and Its Social and Economic Effects. Sustainability, 11(2161), 1-6. doi: 10.3390/su11072161. (ID: 25043)


Palacios Salgado, D. S., Campos Dávila, L., Granados Amores, J., Cruz Escalona, V. H., Peterson, M. S., Moreno Sánchez, X. G., Aguilar Medrano, R., Flores Ortega, J. R., & Abitia Cárdenas, L. A. (2019). Functional diversity in fish assemblages of the Tropical Eastern Pacific Ocean: A review of two decades of progress in the functional diversity approach. Hidrobiológica, 29(1), 17-40. (ID: 27931)


Valencia Méndez, O., López Pérez, R. A., GRANJA FERNANDEZ, R., Aparicio Cid, C., Torres Huerta, A. M., Barrientos Lujan, N. A., Benítez Villalobos, F., & Hernandez, L. (2019). Biodiversity Associated with Southern Mexican Pacific Coral Systems. In Ana Laura Ibáñez (Eds.), Mexican Aquatic Environments (pp. 119-144). Springer. (ID: 27123) (E)


Aguilar Medrano, R., & Vega Cendejas, M. E. (2019). Biogeographical affinities, trophodynamics, and fisheries pressure in the fish community of the Laguna Madre Tamaulipas. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. doi: 10.1111/jai.13900. (ID: 27928)


Flessa, K. W., Calderón Aguilera, L. E., Cintra Buenrostro, C. E., Dettman, D. L., Dietl, G. P., Goodwin, D. H., Jacobs, D. K., Kowalewski, M., Nelson, S. M., Rowell, K., Schone, B. R., Smith, J. A., & Zamora Arroyo, F. (2019). Comment on Rojas-Bracho et al., 2018: Unsubstantiated Claims Can Lead to Tragic Conservation Outcomes. BioScience, 69(5), 321-322. doi: 10.1093/biosci/biz021. (ID: 25044)


Cabral Tena, R. A., Córdova, A., Lopez Galindo, F., Morales Aranda, A. A., Reyes Mata, A., Soler Aburto, A., & Horta Puga, G. (2019). Distribution of the bioavailable and total content of copper and lead, in river sediments of the Jamapa-Atoyac Fluvial System, Mexico. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. doi: 10.1007/s10661-019-7353-z. (ID: 24791)


Calderón Aguilera, L. E. (2019). Illegal fishing of the sea cucumber Isostichopus fuscus is rampant in the Gulf of California, Mexico. SPC Beche-de-mer Information Bulletin, 39, 42-46. (ID: 25042)


Aguilar Medrano, R. (2019). Forma y talla en análisis funcionales. In Rivera-Arriaga, E., P. Sánchez-Gil y J. Gutiérrez (Eds.), Costas y mares mexicanos: construyendo la línea base para su futuro sostenible (pp. 131-141). Campeche, México: Instituto de Ecología, Pesquerías y Oceanografía del Golfo de México. (ID: 27947)