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Galindo Sánchez Clara Elizabeth
Efectos de las variaciones ambientales sobre los moluscos: aproximación genómica y transcriptómica
Análisis genómicos y moleculares
Impactos biológicos de la variabilidad térmica y clima extremo en ectotermos marinos bentónicos: Aptitud biológica, potencial de adaptación y plasticidad fenotípica.
Genómica funcional
Hay 58 publicaciones.


Autores / Publicación


Martínez Mercado, M. A., Cembella, A. D., Sánchez Castrejón, E., Saavedra Flores, A., Galindo Sánchez, C. E., & Durán Riveroll, L. M. (2024). Functional diversity of bacterial microbiota associated with the toxigenic benthic dinoflagellate Prorocentrum. PLoS ONE, 19(7), 22. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0306108. (ID: 29795)


Juárez Valdez, O. E., Morales Guerrero, B., Liñán Cabello, M. A., Carpizo Ituarte, E., Delgadillo Nuño, E., Delgadillo Nuño, M. A., Gomez Reyes, R., Ventura López, C., Cabral Tena, R. A., & Galindo Sánchez, C. E. (2024). Transcriptome characterization of Pocillopora grandis transplanted into reefs with different health conditions: potential stress indicators at the holobiont level. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 52(1), 119-149. https://doi.org/10.3856/vol52-issue1-fulltext-2991. (ID: 29775)


Gomez Reyes, R., Galindo Sánchez, C. E., Lafarga de la Cruz, F., Hernandez Ayon, J. M., Valenzuela Wood, E., & Lopez Galindo, L. L. (2023). Individual Pattern Response to CO2-Induced Acidification Stress in Haliotis rufescens Suggests Stage-Specific Acclimatization during Its Early Life History. Sustainability, 15(14010), 18. doi: 10.3390/su151814010. (ID: 29331)


Gasca Pineda, J., Galindo Sánchez, C. E., Martínez Mercado, M. A., Jiménez Rosemberg, P., Hereu Romero, C. M., Nakamura, Y., Herzka Llona, S. Z., Compairé, J. C., Gómez Reyes, R. J. E., Flores Robles, J., Saavedra Flores, A., & Arteaga Uribe, M. C. (2023). Community structure and diversity of five groups of zooplankton in the Perdido region of the Gulf of Mexico using DNA metabarcoding. AQUATIC ECOLOGY. doi: 10.1007/s10452-022-10002-w. (ID: 28856)


Delgadillo Nuño, M. A., Liñán Cabello, M. A., Justel Díez, M., Delgadillo Nuño, E., Kono Martínez, T., Cabral Tena, R. A., Galindo Sánchez, C. E., & Carpizo Ituarte, E. (2023). Two biomarkers of gene expression plasticity in Pocillopora corals from the Carrizales reef, Mexican Tropical Pacific. Hidrobiológica, 33(2), 115-125. https://hidrobiologica.izt.uam.mx/index.php/revHidro/article/view/1713. (ID: 28940)


Ángeles González, L. E., Re Araujo, A. D., Díaz Herrera, F., Caamal Monsreal, C., Rodriguez Fuentes, G., Galindo Sánchez, C. E., Mascaro Miquelajauregui, M., Pascual, C., & Rosas Vazquez, C. (2023). Thermal optimality and physiological parameters inferred from experimental studies scale latitudinally with marine species occurrences. Journal of Thermal Biology, 114, 103495. doi: 10.1016/j.jtherbio.2023.103495. (ID: 28798)


Juárez Valdez, O. E., Galindo Sánchez, C. E., Lafarga de la Cruz, F., Enciso Contreras, S. I., López Landavery, E. A., Munoz, C., Aguilera Muñoz, F., & Lazo Corvera, J. P. (2023). Physiological and transcriptomic effects of formulated diets including the prebiotics inulin, ß¿glucan, and chitosan on juveniles of Totoaba macdonaldi. Aquaculture International. doi: 10.1007/s10499-023-01144-1. (ID: 28796)


Lopez Galindo, L. L., Larios Soriano, E., Ventura López, C., Díaz Herrera, F., Re Araujo, A. D., & Galindo Sánchez, C. E. (2023). Eyestalk ablation and acclimation temperatures affect juveniles Penaeus vannamei thermo-tolerance: molecular biomarkers of cell protection oxidative stress, and compensatory mechanisms. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 51(2), 295-308. doi: 10.3856/vol51-issue2-fulltext-2926. (ID: 28865)


Dominguez Castanedo, O., Palomino Cruz, D., Mascaro Miquelajauregui, M., Rodriguez Fuentes, G., Juárez Valdez, O. E., Galindo Sánchez, C. E., Caamal Monsreal, C., Galindo Torres, P., Díaz Herrera, F., & Rosas Vazquez, C. (2023). Trans-generational physiological condition of embryos is conditioned by maternal thermal stress in Octopus maya. Marine Biology, 170(41), 1-14. doi: 10.1007/s00227-023-04183-7. (ID: 28731)


Morales Pulido, J. M., Adrian Munguia, V., Jimenez Rosenberg, S. P. A., Rocha Olivares, A., & Galindo Sánchez, C. E. (2023). Genetic connectivity in Twospot flounder (Bothus robinsi) across the Gulf of Mexico, inferred with single nucleotide polymorphisms from larvae and adults. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1070483. (ID: 28691)


Morales Pulido, J. M., Galindo Sánchez, C. E., Jimenez Rosenberg, S. P. A., Arteaga Uribe, M. C., Batta Lona, P. G., & Herzka Llona, S. Z. (2022). Identification of Bothus ocellatus and Bothus robinsi larvae using morphological and molecular approaches leads to a distribution record for the Gulf of Mexico. Environmental Biology of Fishes. doi: 10.1007/s10641-022-01370-1. (ID: 28210)


Domínguez Estrada, A. C., Galindo Sánchez, C. E., Ventura López, C., Rosas Vasquez, C., & Juárez Valdez, O. E. (2022). Response of optic gland pathways to thermal stress in the reproductive phase of female Octopus maya. Journal of Molluscan Studies. doi: 10.1093/mollus/eyac018. (ID: 28367)


Del Vecchio, G., Galindo Sánchez, C. E., Tripp Valdes, M., López Landavery, E. A., Rosas Vasquez, C., & Mascaro Miquelajauregui, M. (2022). Transcriptomic response in thermally challenged seahorses Hippocampus erectus: The effect of magnitude and rate of temperature change. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 262, 110771. doi: 10.1016/j.cbpb.2022.110771. (ID: 28195)


López Landavery, E. A., Amador Cano , G., Tripp Valdez, M. A., Ramirez Alvarez, N., Cicala, F., Gómez Reyes, R. J. E., Díaz Herrera, F., Re Araujo, A. D., & Galindo Sánchez, C. E. (2022). Hydrocarbon exposure effect on energetic metabolism and immune response in Crassostrea virginica. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 180(1), 113738. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbull.2022.113738. (ID: 28192)


Mendoza Flores, A., Galindo Sánchez, C. E., & Sánchez Saavedra, M. P. (2022). Effects of the light irradiance on the growth and lipid content of Amphidinium carterae (Dinophyceae) for biofuel production. BioEnergy Research. doi: 10.1007/s12155-022-10455-9. (ID: 27764)