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Hay 905 publicaciones en Óptica.


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Nava Palomares, E., Acosta Barbosa, F., Camacho López, S., & Fernández Guasti, M. (2012). Femtosecond laser cavity characterization. In Igor Peshko (Eds.), Laser Pulses- Theory, Technology and Applications (pp. 35-72). In-Tech. (ID: 15313)


Castañeda, L., Torres Torres, C., Rangel Rojo, R., Tamayo Rivera, L., & Torres Martínez, R. (2012). Enhancement of the optical Kerr effect by photobleaching in nanostructured indium-doped zinc oxide thin films. Physica Scripta, 86. doi: 10.1088/0031-8949/86/05/055601. (ID: 14893)


Kozacki, T., Falaggis, K., & Kujawinska, M. (2012). Computation of diffracted fields for the case of high numerical aperture using the angular spectrum method. Applied Optics, 51(29), 7080-7088. doi: 10.1364/AO.51.007080. (ID: 21428) (E)


Castillo Vega, G. R., Penilla, E. H., Camacho López, S., Aguilar, G., & Garay, J. E. (2012). Waveguide-like structures written in transparent polycrystalline ceramics with an ultra-low fluence femtosecond laser. Optical Materials Express, 2(10), 1416-1424. (ID: 15196)


Rocha Mendoza, I., Borri, P., & Wolfgang, L. (2012). Quadruplex CARS micro-spectroscopy. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. doi: 10.1002/jrs.4181. (ID: 14674)


Agruzov, P., Shamray, A., Ocegueda Miramontes, M. I., Hernández Hernández, E., & Stepanov, S. (2012). Slow light propagation via saturable absorption of acetylene in hollow core photonic crystal fiber. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 108(4), 827-832. doi: 10.1007/s00340-012-5133-3. (ID: 15620)


Falaggis, K., Towers, D., & Towers, C. (2012). Method of excess fractions with application to absolute distance metrology: wavelength selection and the effects of common error sources. Applied Optics, 51(27), 6471-6479. doi: 10.1364/AO.51.006471. (ID: 21429) (E)


de la Cruz Arreola, S., Méndez Méndez, E. R., & Maradudin, A. A. (2012). Design of matched absorbing layers for surface plasmon-polaritons. Advances in OptoElectronics, 2012(598213). doi: 10.1155/2012/598213. (ID: 16324)


Devia Cruz, L. F., Camacho López, S., Evans, R., García Casillas, D., & Stepanov, S. (2012). Laser-induced cavitation phenomenon studied using three different optically-based approaches - An initial overview of results. Photonics & Lasers in Medicine. doi: 10.1515/plm-2012-0019. (ID: 14738)


Bliokh, Y., Tchaikina Kolesnikova, E., Lizárraga Osuna, N., Méndez Méndez, E. R., Freilikher, V., & Nori, F. (2012). Disorder-induced cavities, resonances, and lasing in randomly layered media. Physical Review B, 86, 054204-1-10. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.86.054204. (ID: 16366)