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Contreras Flores, R., Hernández Guzmán, C., Acosta Ruiz, M. J., Pitones Rubio, S. V., Mendoza Almanza, G., & Olmos Soto, J. (2018). Easy and Non-Expensive Method to Increase the Production, Enhance the Stability and Improve the Purification of Cry1Ab Crystals. CPQ Microbiology, 1(6), 1-7. (ID: 24621)


Contreras Flores, R., Paniagua Michel, J. J., & Olmos Soto, J. (2015). Identification of Microalgae Producers of Commercially Important Compounds. In Se-Kwon Kim and Katarzyna Chojnacka (Eds.), Marine Algae Extracts; Processes, Products and Applications (1 ed., pp. 41-58). Weinheim, Alemania: Wiley-VCH. (ID: 19889)


Olmos Soto, J., Paniagua Michel, J. J., Contreras Flores, R., & Ochoa Solano, L. (2012). DNA fingerprinting intron-sizing method to accomplish a specific, rapid, and sensitive identification of carotenogenic Dunaliella species. In José Luis Barredo (Eds.), Microbial Carotenoids from Bacteria and Microalgae: methods and protocols (pp. 269-281). Springer. (ID: 15654)


Olmos Soto, J., Ochoa Solano, J. L., Paniagua Michel, J. J., & Contreras Flores, R. (2011). Functional feed assessment on Litopenaeus vannamei using 100% fish meal replacement by soybean meal, high levels of complex carbohydrates and Bacillus probiotic strains. Marine Drugs, 9(6), 1119-1132. doi: 10.3390/md9061119. (ID: 12429)


Olmos Soto, J., Ochoa Solano, J. L., Paniagua Michel, J. J., & Contreras Flores, R. (2009). DNA fingerprinting differentiation between B-carotene hyperproducer strains of Dunaliella from around the world. Saline Systems, 5(5). doi: 10.1186/1746-1448-5-5. (ID: 13285)


Olmos Soto, J., Paniagua Michel, J. J., Contreras Flores, R., & Trujillo Valle, M. L. (2002). Molecular identification of B-carotene hyper-producer strains of Dunaliella from saline environments using species-specific oligonucleotides. Biotechnology Letters, 24, 365-369. (ID: 4034)


Olmos Soto, J., Paniagua Michel, J. J., & Contreras Flores, R. (2000). Molecular identification of Dunaliella sp. utilizing the 18S rDNA gene. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 30, 80-84. (ID: 3469)